Today, girls are offered many sophisticated ways to lose weight and dry the body. Often none of this brings the desired effect. The best way to lose weight is to turn to proven methods approved by nutritionists. One of them is the keto diet, menu for the week, reviews and useful tips that you will learn about in this article.

The history of the keto diet
Interesting fact, but through the ketone diet in the early 20th century, children were treated for epileptic seizures. Doctors noticed changes in the child's body. His body weight was reduced and his fat layer was reduced. After that, in medical practice, the ketogenic diet was a success and is intensively used in dietetics.
The keto diet is so named because of the molecules (ketone bodies) produced by the liver and acting as a source of energy. The diet is based on obtaining energy from fat mass, because the intake of large amounts of carbohydrates in the body is limited.
You can use this weight loss method right now. But you need to understand that if you don’t try, nothing will work. In the diet, it will be necessary to minimize foods that contain carbohydrates, and not absorb proteins and fats in excessive amounts.
The essence of a ketogenic diet
The diet system is based on the fact that a person limits the intake of carbohydrate foods and thus virtually eliminates calorie intake. Proteins and fats may act in part as a substitute for energy, but this will not be enough for the body to function normally. As a result, fat deposits will be included.
What is the difference between a ketogenic diet and other protein-based weight loss methods? The diet is full of foods that contain vegetable fats, not animal fats.
The brain gets its energy from glucose. If carbohydrates are completely excluded, then they will have nothing to draw from resources for a full life. Then the logical question arises: where in this case will the brain take enough energy?
When there is a lack of carbohydrates in the diet, the liver is actively involved. It breaks down fats into fatty acids and produces glycerol, resulting in the formation of ketone bodies. These metabolic products feed the brain without any problems while maintaining its stable work.
If the body needs carbohydrates, it draws glycogen from the muscles and liver. Thus begins the process of adaptation.
The ketogenic diet is divided into three types:
- Base. It is more suitable for those who do not want to lead an active lifestyle and undergo sports training. No additional carbohydrate boost is required.
- Target. Designed for those who lead active workouts. This is the keto diet, whose weekly menu requires the distribution of carbohydrates per hour: on the eve of sports loads and at the end of the same. This way the person will be more energetic and will not feel a lack of strength.
- Cyclical. It consists of alternating consumption of carbohydrates in large and small quantities. It ensures the maintenance of optimal glycogen levels in muscle and liver tissues. One-day unloading during the week contributes to the reduction of the fat layer.
The key advantage of this technique is fast and quality results. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness.
The gradual disappearance of the fat layer will also become noticeable. The keto diet is indispensable for athletes who, without losing muscle mass, need to reduce fat.
It is worth noting another important advantage of such a power supply system. It is a decrease in appetite. This effect can be explained by a decrease in the amount of insulin in the circulatory system. Because keto diets are low in protein and fat, you can avoid the problem of constant hunger and "wild" appetite.
Additional advantages of the ketogenic diet are the long-term preservation of the achieved effect and the absence of stress reactions of the organism (which is present in other weight loss options).
After the completion of such a diet, there is no slowdown in metabolism. Accordingly, the person will not start gaining weight again. However, you should not immediately increase the amount of carbohydrates in the menu.
Who is not on a keto diet?
Under no circumstances should you try this weight loss method for people suffering from diabetes. Be sure to assess the risk of side effects and study the contraindications before starting a diet. You will also need to consult a doctor. The ketogenic diet must be carried out in accordance with certain rules developed by modern doctors in different countries.
It is strictly forbidden to use if there are:
- Diseases of the kidneys, liver, thyroid and digestive system.
- Injuries in the work of the cardiovascular system of the body.
- In women: pregnancy and lactation.
- Gallbladder inflammation: chronic or acute.
There are some side effects and possible harmful effects on the ketone diet. You also need to get to know them in advance.
In the first seven days of the diet, the body goes through a restructuring process. Therefore, a person may feel a mild feeling of weakness, weakness and fatigue. This is due to lack of carbohydrates.
You will also need to ingest a limited amount of minerals, beneficial trace elements and vitamins. This can negatively affect important bodily processes and some organs.
Doctors recommend taking vitamin complexes during a ketogenic diet. Remember that most animal fats contribute to the increase of bad cholesterol.
The ketone diet program has the following positive characteristics:
- Fast weight loss. Here the individual characteristics of the organism play an important role. Sometimes just one week will allow you to lose five pounds.
- Slight decrease in muscle mass. Weight loss will be followed by fat burning. It is a fat that is converted into energy.
- Eliminate the feeling of hunger. There are no low-calorie foods in this diet. But there are no fast carbs either (they increase appetite).
- A tangible rush of energy, vitality and strength. Ketosis converts energy from stored fat. The body does not spend it on processing incoming carbohydrates.
While on a ketone diet to quench your thirst, you can drink only these types of drinks:
- plain clean water;
- tea: black or green;
- coffee (necessarily without sugar).
Additionally, but in small quantities, you can use coconut water, wine and glucose-free cappuccino.
Can sweeteners be used?
The Keto diet, whose weekly menu for women completely excludes carbohydrates, also bans sweets, which are so loved by many members of the fairer sex. If you really want to pamper yourself, you have to go for a trick and use sweeteners.
Sweeteners for direct use do not affect the increase in blood sugar. However, they negatively affect weight loss, forming and maintaining the desire for sweet foods. The most harmful sweeteners to avoid:
- honey;
- fructose;
- concentrated fruit juice;
- agave syrup;
- maple syrup.
These foods are high in calories. Therefore, the relatively harmful properties are similar to white sugar. Negative characteristics: impact on kidney and liver function, likelihood of insulin resistance, return of extra pounds.
For those who need sweets, even during the diet, the use of erythrol or stevia is recommended. Such substances are non-toxic, completely harmless to the body and do not contain carbohydrates. But they also increase appetite and flatulence, have a specific taste.
Stages of adaptation of the organism
A characteristic feature of the ketone diet is a very long period of adaptation of the human body to the new diet.
The fairer sex adapt for at least 5 days. The Keto diet, whose weekly menu for men is more nutritious, is still heavier for the strong half. Adaptation in men takes 7 days or more. This period is considered the most difficult.
Already on the 8th day, the human body completely adapts and recovers. At first, the person feels normal.
In the first 2 days of the keto diet, in order to get the required amount of energy, the body consumes previously taken carbohydrates. They entered the body even before he started losing weight.
Difficulties for the body
Further, it becomes more difficult, because all previously deposited carbohydrates have already been depleted, and energy must be taken somewhere. Therefore, the body begins to process proteins into glucose.
Thus the human body comes into a stressful situation. At that point, it can draw protein from muscle tissue, which will lead to a feeling of weakness and sometimes to a feeling of muscle pain. But a period will soon begin during which fats are burned directly.
The following pattern emerges from this: adaptation of the human body to extraordinary circumstances, production of ketone bodies and fat burning. Furthermore, protein breakdown slows down.
If you follow the basic recommendations of experts, then it is possible to lose from 0, 5 to 2, 5 pounds per week. The maximum period during which you can sit on a ketogenic diet is 3 weeks.
List of recommended and prohibited products
The main feature of this diet is that most of the diet will be foods high in protein. Below is a list of basic foods for the ketone diet and those that are best avoided.
- Meat. Of course, it is a major source of protein and vitamins. It is better to eat meat of poultry, cows, rabbits or pigs.
- Fish. A real treasure, which consists of a huge amount of protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Suitable red fish, herring, cod, capelin, flounder, tuna and halibut. Remember that meat and fish must be steamed or baked in the oven.
- Various seafood. For example, mussels or squid rich in protein. Also suitable for crabs. Shrimp and oysters are well digested.
- Eggs. The richest microelements are considered to be chicken and quail.
- Nuts. They can be added to main dishes, and can also be used as a snack. For example, walnut, hazelnut, almond or pistachio.
- Vegetables. Of course, they are low in calories and high in fiber. But some of them contain a lot of carbohydrates. It is recommended to eat cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers, radishes, spinach, lettuce, greens.
- Fruits. Strictly limit. Only sour apples, grapefruit, oranges are allowed.
- Milk products. Do not neglect their use. They are rich in calcium, vitamins and minerals. You can cottage cheese, unsweetened yogurt, cheese, low-fat yogurt.
- First of all, you should completely exclude various types of confectionery products: cakes, sweets, cookies.
- Sweet fruit. These include bananas, grapes, persimmons, mangoes.
- Vegetables with too many carbohydrates. These are potatoes, corn, garlic, onions, sweet potatoes.
- Bakery products.
- Various types of cereals.
It is recommended to eat no more than 50 grams of carbohydrates per day. You also need to drink plenty of fluids. At least 2 liters per day.
Menu for the week with the keto diet
Based on the above recommended and forbidden foods, assembling a diet is not difficult.
Ketogenic diet for a week can include meat of any kind, fish, various types of seafood, dairy products, eggs, unsweetened fruits, vegetables, nuts. Here you can also add mushrooms, vegetable oil, spices and condiments.
It is important to remember that a ketone diet requires at least three main meals.
Keto diet, whose approximate menu in a week can be easily chosen from the template:
- Breakfast: any egg dish.
- Snack: milk / protein shake or nuts.
- Lunch: lean meat dish.
- Dinner: seafood in any form.
- Second dinner: fermented milk product.